
Housing construction in times of high demand and low supply has been and continues to be confronted with the demand: “lower standards” – short-term, fast, housing construction. Beginning with “housing for the subsistence level” and continuing through the appeal for housing to meet needs to the current debate about the shortage of affordable housing, the goal is to create more housing faster. But what does that mean today? Can the planning process be optimized? Can planning time and effort be shortened? Should construction be simplified – thinner walls, lower ceilings, less insulation? Is the solution a flexibilization of standards in construction or urban planning? Or, on the contrary, is it about luxury for all? The demand is in vogue, but what are the consequences? Various waves of redevelopment and deconstruction following the housing boom of the FRG and the type building of the GDR have shown that low standards have only postponed many of the problems to tomorrow.
Tim Heide (architect, Heide & von Beckerath)
Michael Neitzel (BMUB Building Cost Reduction Commission)
Christine Edmaier (President of the Berlin Chamber of Architects)
Moderation: Robert K. Huber (zukunftsgeraeusche GbR)