Convergences and Divergences, Networking-Brunch and Exhibition Tour, Day 3, © Foto: Grzegorz Karkoszka, 2023
Networking brunch & exhibition curatorial guided tour:
Soft Ground – Excercising Modernity
18.11.2023 – 10:30-12:30
Side Events:
Recommended Side Event I
Exhibition by Prof. Svitlana Smolenska:
Hans Poelzig’s Project for Ukraine. The International Competition 1930 for the State Ukrainian Theatre in Kharkiv
Venue: Architekturmuseum TU Berlin (meeting at 12:30 at BHROX bauhaus reuse, Ernst-Reuter-Platz)
More information: www.architekturmuseum.ub.tu-berlin.de
Recommended Side Event II (in German language only)
Colloquium by the Hermann-Henselmann Foundation:
Bruno Flierl – Planen und Streiten für die Berliner Mitte (Planning and Arguing for the Center of Berlin)
Venue: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung / Saal 11, Str. der Pariser Kommune 8 A, 10243 Berlin (for directions and transport see “Practical information”)
More information: www.hermann-henselmann-stiftung.de
Optional Side Event III (follwoing Side Event I, for only English speaking audience)
Architectural tour by Ben Buschfeld:
The Hufeisensiedlung in Neukölln-Britz – Tour through the UNESCO World Heritage Berlin Modernism Housing Estates, including a visit of the rentable 1920s museum Tautes Heim
Venue: meeting at 14:00 at BHROX bauhaus reuse (tour starts 14:45 at subway U7 station “Blaschkoallee”, exit “Fritz-Reuter-Allee”)